Friday, August 31, 2007

My Poo Is Almost Black

Kuru beaver Tursusu

Garten-Koch-Event: Bell Peppers - Paprika I have just seen in Zorra that the issue this month when Garden Blog peppers is. Since I just yesterday found my new dried peppers from Turkey to show have, I decide to short a recipe with dried pods present. These beans were barely a month ago geplückt from the garden and (perhaps less einbischen;) in 40 ° heat) in southern Turkey dried. Score great colors, I think!

The series on the right peppers are to fill and which are on the left used to various other dishes.
So here is a leaflet from these dried beans, which corresponds to function more like a salad next to a meat dish and tursu (put into) means. The dried pods are

briefly boiled and sieved. According to taste them with vinegar / lemon / Nar eksisi / dressed sour grape juice, garlic and salt after they cool. If necessary to add einbischen water. Very tasty! And that looks like this:

Monday, August 27, 2007

Puma And Jamaica And Singlet

haşhaşlı Çörek - Sugar High Friday # 34

It's Sugar High Friday (as started by the Domestic Goddess )!
This time (# 34) the event is being hosted by The Passionate Cook and she has chosen, as I saw just today, a local specialty. I'm living in Switzerland
origin but I'm a German with turkish. So I could take any speciality from this three countries. At least I decided for haşhaşli çörek (poppy buns) a turkish speciality because I do it most of the time so for this blog and plus came this week from our holiday in Turkey.
I think every cultur in the world has its own buns. In Turkey there are so many kinds of buns. They differ in their ingredients as their relatives around the world. I choose to present this regional speciality because my mother uses for this buns ingredients from her home town even she is living in Germany. They are poppy seed paste and grape molasses, a thick syrup made by boiling down grape juice. The poppy paste which is only from 100% poppy seed must be mashed with some fluid. Some use sugar water, some oil but in our traditions we use grape molasses which is as well self made. May be once you will get both in a turkish shop so try it with your best yeast dough recipe:) Even this products are not the same as the self made ingredients from a turkish village the outcome will be nearly the same. You can prepare it with tahini (sesame seed paste) too.

haşhaşli çörek
1 cup poppy seed paste
1/2 cup grape molasses
1/2 cup crushed walnuts
mix them very well and put the walnuts. Tip: Sometimes I do put some chocolate chip for my son.

20 gr yeast
1 cup lukewarm milk
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup oil
1 egg
2 1/2 cup flour
(its very inportant that you add flour slowly. You must regular the size self. The dough shouldn't stick to your hand but it should be soft!)
1 tsp salt
Knead a yeast dough and rest it till its the double in its size. Cut the dough in the right size you can roll out. Roll the pieces into a rectangle. Spinkle the filling mixture over the dough. Roll the dough sheet into a tight cylinder. Cut into individual portions and bake them. I bake them in muffin moulds so I cut them in 3-4cm pieces.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Congratulations On New Job Phrases

green tomato jam

In der türkischen Küche haben grüne Tomaten als Hauptakteure in manchen regional recipes place. They are mainly but inserted .
When I saw in July a package of green tomatoes in the Turkish shop, I had access. I would definitely try the "Fried Green Tomatoes jam", which I've read on the Internet so many times. I've tried this
recipe from Seattle Bon Vivant. This is a recipe that takes some time. But is not a difficult recipe. The individual stages but seem to make sense for the Konsinstenz, though I doubted at the beginning of it;)
emerged as a result more of a jam, the very good match for the cheese. Rather something like fig mustard bzw.Früchtesenf I would almost say. On bread but I prefer strawberry jam.