Thursday, February 3, 2011

Do You Congratulate Pregnant Ppl

CND Nail Polish "Gold Chrome" Today I make up my

I recently had the opportunity two coatings of the company CND test. The online drugstore sent me (by prior arrangement and a nice e-mail) to include the "gold chrome" nail polish. And to him it should go now =)

description of all anna:

Content: 9.8 ml
Price: 9,99 €

My impression:

When I opened my package, I was at first somewhat shocked! For never before have I seen a paint with such a color, let alone thought of such a color to buy ^ ^
My first thought was then: "Christmas"!
Because Christmas was so behind me came to me like another idea for using the paint. Pur on the nails, he's really pretty, but solo with my skin color (for comparison: at the moment I'm lying in NC15 color ^ ^), not appropriate. For darker skin types, I can well imagine it to me also just applied!

was during my first test tries I immediately pleasantly surprised. The coating can be applied really great and is on already-wide at 1 layer! Aber ok, bei einem Lack dieser Preisklasse erwarte ich das auch! =)
Auch die Trockenzeit war wirklich kurz und ich konnte dann gleich weiter probieren.

Um den Lack für mich "tragbar" zu machen, versuchte ich es mit einem "Crackling" Top Coat. Und ich finde das Ergebnis mehr als gelungen! (Insgeheim wünsche ich mir, das Moni die Kombi mal für mich trägt *Herzchenaugen*)

Eine weitere hübsche Kombo probierte ich bei Desi aus. Über den Goldton von CND haben wir einfach times a glitter polish from OPI painted.

The result could be very girly, and above all mighty smart! Quite appropriate for Desi \u0026lt;3

Finally, I wanted to put the paint still a difficult task. For as stamping paint is not even any ..... I was more surprised that I managed it with this paint a pretty design conjuring * * stolzwiebolle

has Kiko "292" / Catrice "I sea you"

The paint me one now in the mood to make the stamp. So far, my efforts were really bad that is!

The durability of the paint I think very well. However, I can not confirm the statement of the manufacturer that the paint holds up to a week. But only because I really think coating change every 2 days ^ ^

So if you like to play with paints and is looking for a truly exceptional sound, then I think this coat is worth a try!


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