Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Old Cranky Cartoon Woman Maxine

allle Hello my friends!
Now finally some pictures from May until now. How safe do you notice, it is my gorgeous and I'm great progress, despite the that I have continuously since May yes atrial flutter. I was awaiting an appointment at the cardiac catheterization laboratory to make these revisions rhythm Stöhr an end. That has indeed been tried in January, but has held only for 3 months. It has Allerd ings also be good. With my high pulse I need the daytime oxygen, and of course that is just wonderful! The latest fashions from me is that I do not like to sit at the table Sitzli e. .. who knows why! For that I flitze on my Bobbycar through the area, have already discovered the kitchen cabinets and will always more to stand to sit and try to practice to make steps. In the photos to see these things ever made really great ... only in reality I am still not as often as it seems. But I am increasingly un d better. Help give the dishwasher, tomatoes, cut in between will sometimes crawl up the stairs to help moms and out of the glass I drink regularly (sometimes even more then it has in the glass than before .. hehe ... and sometimes just the whole area dripping wet.) I'm always in touch courageous things in between sometimes edible things and recently I wanted to actually try by Leonas crackers. But in the end it just always einem Hustenanfall und dann habe ich wieder für eine Weile genug. Ich liebe es draussen zu sein! Und ich verabschäue nach wie vor Baden oder Duschen oder Haarewaschen oder was Mama auch immer versucht.
Seid mir alle lieb gegrüsst


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