Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sample Letter For Church Anniversary

Camera Obscura: pinhole camera you can build yourself

Eine Lochkamera ist das einfachste Gerät, mit dem sich optische Abbilder erzeugen lassen. Sie benötigt keine optische Linse, nur eine dunkle Zelle und eine kleine verschliessbare Öffnung in der Frontwand, sowie lichtempfindliches Material auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite, um das entstandene Bild aufzunehmen.
Die Camera Obscura (lat. Camera - Kammer; obscura - dunkel) oder auch Lochkamera ist eine dunkle Kammer oder Schachtel, can fall into the hole by a small light. On the opposite side of the hole created a mirrored and upside-down image. This projection can be viewed or recorded.

This design of the camera obscura in the 18th Century used as Skizzierinstrument. With a sheet of paper on the glass could be copied directly to the object in view.

building instructions. On the web there are several instructions for the construction of such a device. Some instructions are more beautiful and vivid, the other simple and understandable, to a greater value on the craft, the other on the acquisition of knowledge. For beginners always more How convenient. Educational as "photographically interesting is a degree thesis on the pinhole camera in social studies and a primary school


first pinhole camera you can build yourself - beautiful visuals can
second build a pinhole camera - model with little material need
third The pinhole camera. for Science in Primary Schools - Written dissertation for the first state examination


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