Friday, December 26, 2008

Cervix High And Hard 4 Days Before Af Due

The Photo Technology - the world's first open-source project

As on 19 August 1839 in the Paris Academy of Sciences by French astronomer, physicist and politician Dominique François Jean Arago was announced that France gives the patent for the daguerreotype in the world should be celebrated that day as open-source opening.

gift to the world. The new technology of photography has already had on Feb 15, 1839 in the post-revolutionary France and parliamentary interest. There was a demand in a revolutionary spirit to make the invention of photography purchase by the state and to transfer the proceedings to the public. In any case, the invention of photography in the days of Daguerre came suddenly to a national race. The German Poetry of the designated national zeal already on Aug 28, 1839, the photograph as "French humbug". No wonder, it was but also the time of awakening national aspirations.

The "holiday": Aug 19, 1839th In any event, presented by the French Academy of Sciences on 19 Aug 1839 officially the invention of photography, she announced that they had succeeded Niepce and Daguerre, permanent record images using the camera obscura. The Frenchman Daguerre is celebrated as the inventor of photography. The results of his work is known as daguerreotypes (silver plate technique). The French government had purchased for a life annuity, the rights and explained the photograph for all the world to open source. Der damit ausgelöste Technologieschub könnte eigentlich heute Vorbild für die europäischen Regierungen sein, die ja an Wachstumsproblemen ihrer Volkswirtschaften rezeptlos kauen.

Das Verfahren wurde folgendermaßen und kurz beschrieben: "Eine gründlich gereinigte und polierte versilberte Kupferplatte wurde in einem Jodierkasten durch Bedampfen mit Jod lichtempfindlich gemacht. Dabei bildete sich auf der Oberfläche eine dünne Jodsilberschicht. Nach der Belichtung wurde das latente Bild mit Hilfe von Quecksilberdämpfen, die über eine Spirituslampe erhitzt wurden, entwickelt. Dabei setzte sich das Quecksilber an den belichteten Teilen des Jodsilbers fest. Das Bild wurde dann mit Natriumthiosulfat [Herschel] fixiert (Before March 1839 it was still common salt), washed with distilled water and carefully dried over a flame, there would have left on the surface of water contained traces of drops. To prevent abrasion of the sensitive Quecksilberpräzipats, you had to bring the daguerreotype under glass, the edges were carefully sealed to prevent oxidation of silver "(Stenger, 1949; Gernsheim, 1983b).

The day is usually with Daguerre Inventors celebrated. Some celebrate Niépce and my Daguerre had abgeluchst with his money only to the impoverished Niepce the invention. In reality it is so that Niépce had only economic interests and its operation wanted to save it, while Daguerre based on its experience with its diorama curious and intensely focused. He had that "look-through image" (dioramas) invented before. We mean a darkened theater with a semitransparent, both sides painted different prospectus. By changing illumination of the front and back able to put motions and times can be simulated effectively. This allied with the panoramic technique is still used on theater stages. He had a talent for drawing and developed it to the occupation of the decorative painter, said he was especially on the painting of panoramas on specialized platforms. His interest was not primarily an economic but eines der Neugier, der Lust an technischem Fortschritt. Schließlich wäre ja die Erfindung dieser Technologie seinem wirtschaftlichen Interesse entgegengesetzt gewesen, wie die Ängste der Vedoutenmaler vor diesem Innovationsschub ja deutlich beleuchten.

Doch der Tag gehört Dominique François Jean Arago. Auf Aragos Empfehlung hin wurde Daguerres Verfahren von der Regierung aufgekauft und als spektakuläres Geschenk der Grand Nation an die ganze Welt "verteilt". Auf seinen Antrag erhielt Daguerre als Gegenleistung eine lebenslange Rente von 6000 Franc, der Erbe von Nièpce, Isidor Nièpce eine solche von 4000 Franc. Die französische Akademie der Wissenschaften verkündete, dass es Niepce und Daguerre gelungen sei, lasting images with the Camera Obscura record. Daguerre is celebrated as the inventor of photography (daguerreotype). In the post-revolutionary France, the leftist has set an unprecedented act: technical progress became a public matter, a concern of all humanity - and not make individual profit maximization.

The French physicist, mathematician, astronomer and politician Dominique François Jean Arago was a passionate scientist and political thinker of his time. His research on the phenomenon of light wave propagation in the area have laid the groundwork for today's modern communications. His discoveries: 1811 discovery of the chromatic Polarization of mica flakes, 1820 discovery of the magnetization of iron by a current-carrying conductor, 1822 Measuring the speed of sound in air and 1824 discovery of the rotating magnetism.

Arago was born on Feb 26, 1786 in Estagel at Perpignan. After training at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, he was secretary of the Bureau des Longitudes in 1805 and traveled on his behalf 1807/08 to Spain, with Jean Baptiste Biot continue the survey of the meridian arc. Because of a possible exact measurement of the meridian passing through Paris should the ten millionth part of Erdquadranten be determined. Arago and Biot in 1806 Napoleon sent to Spain to the measurement of the meridian Pyrenees also add up to the Balearic Islands. Since war broke out between France and Spain, and Aragon, was suspected of espionage, detained. A three-year odyssey in piracy, storm and shipwreck starred forced him to Spain, Sardinia, and twice to Algeria. On his return, Napoleon made the 23-year-old professor at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, where he had finished his studies in 1805 itself. And the Academy took it, despite all the regulations, as a member on.

Here he discovered in the years 1811 and 1812, the rotation of the polarization plane of light through rock crystal plates and the chromatic polarization. strengthened cooperation with Augustín Fresnel he 1816-1818 by interference tests of the opinion that light consists of transverse waves. In 1820 he lived at the meeting in Geneva naturalist demonstrations Rives de la Oersteds over the discoveries. In the same year he noticed the magnetization of iron by current-carrying conductor. In 1824 he led the Michael Faraday (also called Arago experiment) later than induction effect detected by rotational testing. In this experiment, a suspended magnetic needle is rotated by a rotating copper disk below it in motion. From 1830 he was Director of the Observatory in Paris and permanent secretary of the Academie des Sciences. He was the first of the scintillation of stars on interference as a result of air turbulence back into the atmosphere. According to him, the area on the day sky, in which the sky light polarization has a minimum point called Arago. From 1830 he worked intensively with politics. He was a sharp left and during the revolution in the storming of the barricades in front. In Parliament he was but as a moderate Republican. He was one of the provisional government of 1848 as War and Navy Minister. By popular science lectures, which were however not published until after his death from 1854 to 1857 he was responsible for the dissemination of astronomical knowledge. Dominique Arago died on 2 October 1853 in Paris.

This day was exciting. Not only in France. From there we reported a document of the 1848 revolutionary Ludwig Pfau, we have because of his Baden lullaby in memory. He was - a few days before his eighteenth birthday, an eyewitness of the public act of the French Academy: "... The public meeting was something I understood too literally, because even though the ceremony should begin in two hours, were not only all places of long ago beneficiaries occupied, even neighborhood, courtyard and forecourt of the Institute were covered with a dense crowd an excitement prevailed as if it was at least a battle won a victory -.. a more bloody than that - was, however, been won, a victory of the knowing Spirit. And now this general celebration of such a conquest was something intoxicating. The crowd was like an electric battery to power a radio transmits. Everyone had a delight in the joy of others. In the realm of the infinite progress, another border had fallen, and felt the humanity in their home country. . ... "

Baron Andreas von Ettingshausen Austria, too, had sent to the Academy event a delegate to Paris. Baron Andreas von Ettingshausen From Ettingshausen was with this official launch of the invention present at the expense of the Austrian government and had at Daguerre even the first photographic tests made. Coblenzer The Gazette reported it and the anxiety of the painter ahead of the competition by this technological innovation on 13 September, "Message from Vienna from 31 August 1839 Daguerre's invention", "Our world-famous physicist of the learned Professor von Ettingshausen writes to his friends here ... with excitement about the discovery of Daguerre's, with whom he came into close contact. .. He seems often to divide opinion expressed that this discovery of science, and especially the optics, more than the art will benefit everybody. Our landscape painter, that we here (Vienna) have a large number of breathing, again, known since the revelations Arago's become clear that the process to gain a clear light painting Do not be so simple and easy Sey than we had imagined ...".

Metternich. At Prince and Chancellor Metternich, he wrote on 16 September 1839 "in a unique loyalty," that he saw the first images Daguerre " and soon after August 19 he made "on advice of Daguerre's on the line and made by Daguerre's personal guidance so that the first attempts, took a view of the Louvre, and sent the apparatus to Vienna, the lens, however, he kept to himself. He went to the Johannisberg where he made a second recording, the images made at that time a great sensation in Vienna. Later he took on several architectural items. ... "On October 2, 1839, he was under the eyes of Prince further experiments, the newspapers reported: "One in the eyes of the prince himself by the artist (sic) received in view of the inner courtyard fell beyond all expectation, the effect of this picture was highly deceptive, and the drawing surprisingly faithful to the smallest detail. . On the small plate in the size of an ordinary octave-blade saw even the traces of the wheels on the gravel, and the hooves of the horses .... ";" the views of the castle Johannisberg were on Metternich's behest on November 22, 1839 Vienna in the physics lecture hall of the Imperial University issued.

Arago in Meyers Conversation Lexicon 1885-1892 - Very informative!

Ludwig Pfau: achievements and progress of the Daguerreotyps
seven-mile steps of a new technology: Andreas von Ettingshausen
Daguerreotype Gallery

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sore Gums Following Extraction

Photo national championship Friends of Nature Vorarlberg 2008

2008 took place on 3rd times the national championship picture of the nature lovers Vorarlberg.
In a very highly by setting the price-distribution under the sponsorship of the People's Bank, on 25 November in Hohenems. Our special thanks go to Mr. Wolfgang Friedl, Leader of the People's Bank in Hohenems.
Below are the 6 best photographers in the individual events listed.
good light
William Kircher
photo adviser to the Friends of Nature Vorarlberg

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What Kind Of Drug Is Menstrogen

hiking and photographing

Sunday 20 September 2009: Hiking and photography. Tuff circular walk in Lingenau.

Meeting: 13:00 clock Kennelbach post office, car-pooling.

Information / Registration:
Friends of Nature group photo Kennelbach William Kircher Tel 05574/46121 or Reinold Böhler, 05574/71902.

Have you heard: tuff?
tufa, or Süßwasserkalk or Quellkalk is a porous, still a young 'secondary' sediment. Come in Europe in some of the karst areas in front of the humid, temperate warm climate zone, provided a number of causal factors are present regionally. Particularly well known and investigated are occurrences of the Swabian Alb, the Frankish Alb and the Alpine borders. ... ( Wikipedia )

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pokemon Soul Silver English 100

2009: Program Photo Friends of Nature Vorarlberg and VÖAV Vorarlberg

Unit photo and the VÖAV Vorarlberg have a proactive program for their "work year" placed 2009th Although In the course of next year other events to join, that includes an individual already planning for 2009 is possible.

first Preview 2009: Program Photo Friends of Nature and Vorarlberg Vorarlberg VÖAV
second year planner free download

How To Reset Brookstone Luggage


adventure , unwind, explore the water splash and mysterious worlds - as varied and diverse as the landscape itself is the holiday for families and children in the "Schöckl- country - the region of diversity. "
equestrian sports fans will come in Schöckl country as their money such as hikers, cyclists, mountain bikers, gliding, skiing and snowboarding and much more. Wonderful cultural and natural landscapes invite you to linger in the region.
Sightseeing delight in a coordinated range of events. You will receive information on all holidays, anniversaries, openings, music events, concerts, theater performances - in the region Schöckl-country attractions in Graz.

sights. Whether traditional or modern, Graz has something for every taste a variety of sights. Whether you follow in the footsteps of the Armoury knights of old ', a view of the historic World Heritage city alleged that the famous Clock Tower will visit the castle hill and admire the new landmarks like the island in the Mur and the Kunsthaus - Graz is always worth a visit.

Welcome to Greg builder, Altitude: 620 m. holiday for all the middle of nature and yet not far from the city of Graz. Our company is located in the Schöckllandgemeinde Weinitzen in Graz and is run as a family dairy farming, orchards and forest.

We are at the vineyard, which is an extension of the Hohenberg. The farm is surrounded by green meadows and forests, which are ideal for recreation, although the City of Graz is only 15 minutes drive away.

The newly renovated farmhouse whose foundations originate from the period around 1570, there are two spacious, fully equipped apartments (70 or 85 m²). They consist of a kitchen, two bedrooms, bathroom and WC (separated) and an anteroom.

offers the area around the court for taking photos, hiking, biking (bike path leads past the farm) and to relax and get to know the nature of excellent. Within a radius of several kilometers, there are many sights and attractions, such as the Schöckl (Grazer Hausberg), boiler case Lurgrotte or the Lipizzaner stud farm in Piber, to name a few.

The central location are day trips all over Styria (thermal region, Castle Road, Wine Country, Styrian mountains to the Styrian apple country) as well as possible for Burgenland and Carinthia.

flats for 2-5 people:
€ 38 - € 58, - to 4 people.. / Day
€ 38 - € 68, - up to 5 people. / Day

Fam Mautner
Gregerbauerweg 34
8045 Tel / Fax:. 0043 / (0) @ 31,323,160
✔ WEB / greg builder

Friends of Nature of Vorarlberg and the Vorarlberg VÖAV recommend:

Willi Kircher
Fotoreferent der Naturfreunde Vorarlberg
Reisereferent des VÖAV Vorarlberg

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sample Letter For Church Anniversary

Camera Obscura: pinhole camera you can build yourself

Eine Lochkamera ist das einfachste Gerät, mit dem sich optische Abbilder erzeugen lassen. Sie benötigt keine optische Linse, nur eine dunkle Zelle und eine kleine verschliessbare Öffnung in der Frontwand, sowie lichtempfindliches Material auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite, um das entstandene Bild aufzunehmen.
Die Camera Obscura (lat. Camera - Kammer; obscura - dunkel) oder auch Lochkamera ist eine dunkle Kammer oder Schachtel, can fall into the hole by a small light. On the opposite side of the hole created a mirrored and upside-down image. This projection can be viewed or recorded.

This design of the camera obscura in the 18th Century used as Skizzierinstrument. With a sheet of paper on the glass could be copied directly to the object in view.

building instructions. On the web there are several instructions for the construction of such a device. Some instructions are more beautiful and vivid, the other simple and understandable, to a greater value on the craft, the other on the acquisition of knowledge. For beginners always more How convenient. Educational as "photographically interesting is a degree thesis on the pinhole camera in social studies and a primary school


first pinhole camera you can build yourself - beautiful visuals can
second build a pinhole camera - model with little material need
third The pinhole camera. for Science in Primary Schools - Written dissertation for the first state examination

Saturday, November 22, 2008

How Can I Get Skype To Recognise My Webcam?

45th PHOTO FEDERAL Championship 2009

tender the 45th PHOTO FEDERAL CUP 2009, the Friends of Nature Photo Group Austria

The Federal League is under the patronage of Federal President of the Friends of Nature Austria, Dr. Karl FRAIS. The competition is all nature lovers photo groups in Austria, with its NF-members who have paid the annual fee NF-2009th

This is done in the following competition categories:

With free theme:
M & W (or all over monochrome toned) paper prints,
C color (or polychrome-toned) paper prints (CL = landscapes)
D Slide / Digital Last
K Collections (M and / or C paper images)

deadline is 15 March 2009 (date of postmark)

More information is available online: nature lovers Vorarlberg - Unit Photography

Thursday, November 20, 2008

How Old Can A Pinot Noir Get

snow crystals

Einen Schneekristall zu fotografieren, das war der Traum von Wilson Alwyn Bentley (* 9. Februar 1865 in Jericho, Vermont, USA; † 23. Dezember 1931 ebenda). Schon als Kind faszinierten ihn die Schneekristalle und die Eltern förderten seinen Wissensdrang, indem sie ihm eine sehr teure Kamera mit starken Vergrößerungsmöglichkeiten schenkten.

Bentley lebte von und als Farmer. Noch vor seinem 20. Geburtstag gelang es ihm als erstem Schneekristalle unter dem Mikrsoskop zu fotografieren (15. Januar 1885). Das Verfahren dazu hatte er selbst entwickelt. Insgesamt fotografierte er mehr als 5.000 Schneekristalle. Sein 1931 veröffentlichtes Buch Snow Crystals enthält more than 2,400 of his photos. The photographic plates he left the Buffalo Museum of Science. Bentley on the theory that each snow crystal is formed differently (no two snowflakes are alike). To this end, he relied on his observations to date always different crystals, which certainly was not the positive verified that all snowflakes really must be different.

first Collection of Bentley's snow crystal glass slides
second NASA's Snow and Ice Data Center

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Street Value For Diazepam 5mg

Daguerreotype photo gallery

The daguerreotype bescheibt a chemical process for the storage of light in accordance with light-sensitive material. This method was invented by Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre in 1837 and is the oldest photographic processes and first Open Source project in the world.

Open Source model. In essence this method, a copper plate by evaporation of iodine made sensitive to light. After a subsequent exposure of the treated plate was developed with mercury vapor and fixed with saline. He received a positive, reversed image. The photosensitive plate was stored after fixation always protected because she was very susceptible to scratches. Later this type of photo development was replaced by the collodion process. Nach Veröffentlichung dieses Verfahrens kaufte die französische Regierung die Rechte komplett auf und stellte Sie als Geschenk an die Welt weiter zur Verfügung. Wäre doch auch heute nachahmenswert, man denke nur an dringend notwendige Medikamente in der Dritten Welt.

Daguerreotype Galerie. Auf dieser deutschen Webs(e)ite findet man Informationen rund um das Thema Daguerreotypie. Ziel ist es, das Interesse an früher Lichtbildnerei zu wecken, zu vertiefen oder zu teilen. In der Rubrik Historie wird ein kleiner Überblick zur Entwicklung der Daguerreotypie gegeben, im Museum gibt es schöne und sensationelle Beispiele aus den ersten zwanzig Jahren der Photographiegeschichte. In der Rubrik Restaurierung werden fachkundige Instructions given. News reports on activities of the research on book projects, catalogs, auctions and exhibitions. As a daguerreotype of the month there is a monthly Sight-Seeing object regularly presented a remarkable piece. The monthly archive with these daguerreotypes in recent months is growing into a new museum and the left turn refer to sites of interest to museums, institutions and associations on the subject of daguerreotype and open up new "walks".

daguerreotype gallery

Sunday, November 16, 2008

How To Gifting Property To Family Member

school online

"can photograph each" believed. Who but not just for photos Album own needs, such as an organizer, curator, journalist or for public relations initiative, which are the time-saving online services to the "photo-technical education" is a welcome tool.

Virtual photography course for journalists

Many newspaper journalists must not only write but also take pictures, although they have received no training for this. This free, publicly available Internet photo course is to provide tips for better picture composition and is a product of journalism training at the ifp - Institut to promote journalistic talent eV. He is not only the Journalists without much education, but put your own photo to the many initiatives, promoters and artists to the heart, their press and photographic work have to do without skilled workers themselves. It is to their needs - of course works from the perspective of the journalists of the suburb - specifically addressed. Certainly, it is with the knowledge of this course can make the better public relations and also to the needs of the (photo) journalists can reach sensible. The photography course begins with a brief introduction to the tools of the press photographers and then deals extensively with issues of image making. He then proceeds to typical situations and Motive der Pressefotografie ein und schließt mit einigen Tipps zur Bildauswahl und zur Präsentation von Bildern auf einer Zeitungsseite. In einer Bildergalerie sind noch einige thematisch zusammengefasste Fotos aus der Praxis des Autors zu sehen.

Fotolehrgang im Internet

Der Autor hat während seiner Zeit als Lehrer für Fotografie an verschiedenen Volkshochschulen viele Menschen kennengelernt, die an der Fotografie interessiert waren, aber Schwierigkeiten in der Umsetzung ihrer Ideen hatten. So nach und nach lernte er durch diese Situationen, den verschiedenen Menschen bei der Lösung dieser Probleme zu helfen. Das so erworbene Wissen hat er genutzt, um für alle Interessierten build up a photo tutorial, photography of "from scratch" does learn. He wanted both the technical and the creative side of photography account. You can also print the course and who bound in color and will also order a book.

Small school of photography: busts and plaster casts

are not always busts and plaster casts in the collection of antiquities at the University of Erlangen, to be photographed. In a "little school of photography" is there but demonstrating benefits of these "defenseless" objects, which include it with lighting, aperture, exposure, overexposure and digital Retousche auf sich hat. Auch wenn der Kurs - wie viele Vorhaben der Antike - nicht abgeschlossen ist, Einführung liefert er allemal. Und das online.


Beim Fotografieren von Schmuck stellen sich wie generell beim Fotografieren für jedes Ausstellungsobjekt immer ganz individuelle Anforderungen. Allerdings gibt es bei Schmuckstücken einige besondere Schwierigkeiten, die beim Fotografieren zu beachten sind. Die Besonderheiten der "Schmuckfotografie" können beispielsweise auch für die Ausstellungsfotografie nützlich sein. Dazu eingie Hinweise (Fotografieren für die Bildschirmpräsentation und das Internet - Digital oder konventionell?).

Botanical Photo Tips

On there is a botanist and plant photographers with decades of practice notes for the Fotografiererei in botany. Of course, a botanist sees right away more than just a colorful flower which is applying the bees and so are these special tips are also necessary, a note. Quite interesting there, the information about the hardware. Immediately becomes clear that not every device is suitable for any subject and require indoor and outdoor photography, various techniques.

Blog Christian Funke Photography

Such , the Swiss photographer Christian Funke on his website as a service. No photo course closed, but the very special tips on his blog are so valuable, because you come across this in a conventional photo course as good as ever.

amateur photography glossary

Roland of "Roland's photography course" is called while amateur photographer, but he gives the beginner and the more advanced tips and principles with which we come to better images , which has been professional in itself. Also he is concerned with similarities and differences between analog and digital photography without the classic war vocabulary. And the index is already well on the way from the glossary to the glossary.

Photo Encyclopedia

The Glossary - Glossary of to help explain basic Fachgegriffe of digital photography and imaging and concise. To facilitate the orientation of the field of knowledge was limited to the core areas of recording technology, lighting, optics, physics, history and people.

What Lab Values Are Significant To Cellulitis

Photo - Digital Photo Course in Kennelbach

Since only a limited number of seats is available, would be quick registration required!

clubhouse Friends of Nature group Kennelbach
[In the basement of the post office in


Samstag, 22.11.2008
9,00 Uhr bis 12,00 Uhr
ab 13, 00 Uhr open end

Fotoreferat der Naturfreunde Vorarlberg

€ 40,00 für Nichtmitglieder
Gratis für Naturfreunde Mitglieder aus Vorarlberg
[Diese Veranstaltung wir von vom Fotoreferat der Naturfreunde
Vorarlberg gestützt]

Wer über einen eigenen LapTop verfügt, der möge ihn zum Kurs mitbringen!

Anmeldungen :
Willi Kircher
Telefon und Fax: 00435574/46121

Günter Studer, Speaker
William Kircher, photo Speaker nature lovers Vorarlberg eh

Sunset Orange Bridesmaid Dress

Travel Poland: Pomeranian and Masurian

Friends of Nature and the VORARLBERG VÖAV invite you to a photo trip with the company Amann trips to Poland (Pomerania and Mazury) of 8 to 14 June 2009.

first Days: 8 June 2009 Getting to Szczecin (920 km)
second Days: 9 June 2009 Szczecin - Gdynia (350 km)
third Days: 10 June 2009 Gdynia - Tri-City - Tour (290 km)
4th Days: 11 June 2009 Mazury round trip (150 km)
5th Days: 12 6. Mazury 2009 - round trip (150 km)
6th Days: 13 6. 09 Olsztyn (Olsztyn) - Torun (Thorn) - (. Gorzoów Wlkp) Landsberg (about 460 km)
7th Days: 14 6. 09 home (900 km)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Spanish Wedding Invitation Wording Sample

saver with strong calves

Das beindruckende Werk von Patricia und Maria Jesus nebst Infotafel von Burkhart

Peter Schwanewilms radelt von Valencia nach Ottensen, um ein Zeichen zu setzen.
Wochenblatt Altona, 11. Juni 2008
(Ein Klick auf den Artikel - und man kann es lesen.)

Un salvador de gemelos fuertes

"Primero, bike away; sight and carry it for me at my house, I want to go with it or a meter, these were the first words of Peter Schwanewilms to get the bike from the Cabanyal, a neighborhood in the city of Valencia, to Ottensen after driving 2500 km in two months. "With the sporting side had no problems, but psychologically if it was hard from time to time" could report. Peter began his tour on April 5 without training before. between the goal and starting place was Spain, the Pyrenees, France, lots of sun, half day of rain, occasional pain and the day on which the cicilista turned 59 years. In his luggage Peter had a red rope JOINTLY of 5 meters, which connect the neighborhood The Cabanyal of Valencia and its "twin german" Ottensen in Hamburg. Because like the picturesque district of Valencia, Ottensen was threatened by the construction of the "City West" for 30 años.Ottensen now became one of the most attractive places in Hamburg. Peter snapped pictures from many places in stages throughout his journey and so connect the two neighborhoods with red string. This can be seen and read his blog www.cabanyal-ottensen.blogspot . Com .

The Cabanyal also plays in the artistic Altonale an important role, a festival held every anyo in Ottensen. Because two artsitas of Valencia, Patricia Gomez and Maria Jesus Gonzalez presented some prints on canvas of the houses threatened Cabanyal alli.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What Shoes Can I Wear With Grey Tights

Buxtehude - Hamburg, 25 km, total 2503 km

Arrived! have a short drive through the Old Country ferried by boat in the best weather to Altona, the Elbhang am (pushed) high and have achieved in Ottensen the tense of the Friends' goal line "from" Save Cabanyal "T-shirts. The "red tape" across Europe is now firmly linked in Ottensen and will make in the future for a direct link of solidarity.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Will Woman Seman Show Up Under Black Light

Buxtehude, 0km

hare and the tortoise in Buxtehude

Ick bün all doa! Fast zumindest und ohne "Double". Und gestern noch das Glück, den "Tornado" und den anschließenden Regen in Hamburg in Stade überleben zu können, ohne nass zu werden.

Die sachliche Bilanz : keinen Tag Regen, keine Reifenpanne, keinen Unfall, nichts Wichtiges verloren oder gestohlen, ... .
Und Eindrücke, und Einsichten, und Glückmomente, und gelegentliche Verzweiflungen, und.... .

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tiffany Granath Commander Husband

Zeven - Buxtehude, 36km, total 2478km

Das Wetter, obwohl es rundherum donnerte and growled, it said graciously with me, so I have come up dry Buxtehude and has even served time for a (train) trip to Bernard's brother and family in Stade. Northern Germany is indeed family. The family barbecue will be held in the hall but probably because I was then but after 8 weeks across Europe hit by the storm-rain. Let's see how it looks tomorrow afternoon at about the same jump from Buxtehude to Ottensen.

Bleach Birthday Party

Bremen - Zeven, 48km, total 2442 km

Rome, Kiev, ... all, given the recent 2442 km, so not far. I'm still me erstmal für Zeven entschieden.

Der Radweg Bremen-Hamburg ist runderneuert und führt anfangs entlang der "Wümme" (so heißt das Flüßchen eben) über das idyllische Fischerhude . Berühmt gemacht hat dieses Dorf Otto Modersohn. Mittlerweile ist er ja " der Mann von ihr" (Paula) und nicht mehr umgekehrt wie zu Lebzeiten.
Ottensen ist nah: In Zeven habe ich Brigitte Abramowski und Michael Sandmann vom Stadtteilarchiv Ottensen getroffen. Einfach so und zufällig. Welche Freude, welche Freude...!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Homemade Teasing Comb

Nienburg - Bremen, 68 km, total 2394 km

From Pied Piper to the Bremen Town Musicians: Fairytale Land. Now it is really homely. I could have a short turn to Emsland - and Hamburg is getting closer. Only three short day trips to Wednesday, then the new and the old home with the red ribbon.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Expired Chicken Broth Never Opened

Hameln - Minden, 42 km, total 2326 km

art on the western shore

The most important building in Rinteln (Or, Michael?)


The crossing is to Heimatour: I am born in Hameln, since I was young days gone, the memory is weak. Where was the allotment of the uncle and aunt? But all the towns that I have touched upon today, I know of the local signs of the many trips from the Emsland to Hamelin to Uncle Walter and Aunt Gitti (the one with the cake!). And from the Porta Westfalica suddenly transformed the landscape. The view is in the native North German Plain (now really no increases at all, or even more mountains!) And almost Hamburg comes into view.