Cabanyal, Ottensen and Mukojima ....
.... It is hot in the future when this blog is revived.
I will not cycle to Mukojima (although it would indeed something?)
The blog should be revived to do because in and around Cabanyal dramatic things: Kulturministerim in Madrid came to excuse the district, the mayor breaks - using brutal police operations continue from. Since
doing new and expanded international solidarity good!
Mukojima is a district of Tokyo, with small, historic houses, a diverse population of traditionally local families, artists, students and consulted, threatened with demolition ... . exists between Ottensen in Hamburg and Mukojima For over 12 years a close relationship of the exchange of information on urban planning, art exhibitions and social contacts. For 20 years, we also visited each other for 20 years and meets once a month, a group of Japanese and German in Ottensen, maintain this friendship and organize.
This group was the "new" friendship between Ottensen Cabanyal and not hidden. She was also interested in this area with similar structures, problems and prospects, and told them their Japanese friends in Mukojima. For this global triangular relation has now the slightly crazy idea of \u200b\u200ba joint conference of the historic district, ihre spezifischen Bedrohungen und Chancen, über Stadtplanung und sozialen Widerstand gegen Abriss und für Sanierung entwickelt.
Deshalb also nun Cabanyal-Ottensen-Mukojima!