Friday, December 26, 2008

Cervix High And Hard 4 Days Before Af Due

The Photo Technology - the world's first open-source project

As on 19 August 1839 in the Paris Academy of Sciences by French astronomer, physicist and politician Dominique François Jean Arago was announced that France gives the patent for the daguerreotype in the world should be celebrated that day as open-source opening.

gift to the world. The new technology of photography has already had on Feb 15, 1839 in the post-revolutionary France and parliamentary interest. There was a demand in a revolutionary spirit to make the invention of photography purchase by the state and to transfer the proceedings to the public. In any case, the invention of photography in the days of Daguerre came suddenly to a national race. The German Poetry of the designated national zeal already on Aug 28, 1839, the photograph as "French humbug". No wonder, it was but also the time of awakening national aspirations.

The "holiday": Aug 19, 1839th In any event, presented by the French Academy of Sciences on 19 Aug 1839 officially the invention of photography, she announced that they had succeeded Niepce and Daguerre, permanent record images using the camera obscura. The Frenchman Daguerre is celebrated as the inventor of photography. The results of his work is known as daguerreotypes (silver plate technique). The French government had purchased for a life annuity, the rights and explained the photograph for all the world to open source. Der damit ausgelöste Technologieschub könnte eigentlich heute Vorbild für die europäischen Regierungen sein, die ja an Wachstumsproblemen ihrer Volkswirtschaften rezeptlos kauen.

Das Verfahren wurde folgendermaßen und kurz beschrieben: "Eine gründlich gereinigte und polierte versilberte Kupferplatte wurde in einem Jodierkasten durch Bedampfen mit Jod lichtempfindlich gemacht. Dabei bildete sich auf der Oberfläche eine dünne Jodsilberschicht. Nach der Belichtung wurde das latente Bild mit Hilfe von Quecksilberdämpfen, die über eine Spirituslampe erhitzt wurden, entwickelt. Dabei setzte sich das Quecksilber an den belichteten Teilen des Jodsilbers fest. Das Bild wurde dann mit Natriumthiosulfat [Herschel] fixiert (Before March 1839 it was still common salt), washed with distilled water and carefully dried over a flame, there would have left on the surface of water contained traces of drops. To prevent abrasion of the sensitive Quecksilberpräzipats, you had to bring the daguerreotype under glass, the edges were carefully sealed to prevent oxidation of silver "(Stenger, 1949; Gernsheim, 1983b).

The day is usually with Daguerre Inventors celebrated. Some celebrate Niépce and my Daguerre had abgeluchst with his money only to the impoverished Niepce the invention. In reality it is so that Niépce had only economic interests and its operation wanted to save it, while Daguerre based on its experience with its diorama curious and intensely focused. He had that "look-through image" (dioramas) invented before. We mean a darkened theater with a semitransparent, both sides painted different prospectus. By changing illumination of the front and back able to put motions and times can be simulated effectively. This allied with the panoramic technique is still used on theater stages. He had a talent for drawing and developed it to the occupation of the decorative painter, said he was especially on the painting of panoramas on specialized platforms. His interest was not primarily an economic but eines der Neugier, der Lust an technischem Fortschritt. Schließlich wäre ja die Erfindung dieser Technologie seinem wirtschaftlichen Interesse entgegengesetzt gewesen, wie die Ängste der Vedoutenmaler vor diesem Innovationsschub ja deutlich beleuchten.

Doch der Tag gehört Dominique François Jean Arago. Auf Aragos Empfehlung hin wurde Daguerres Verfahren von der Regierung aufgekauft und als spektakuläres Geschenk der Grand Nation an die ganze Welt "verteilt". Auf seinen Antrag erhielt Daguerre als Gegenleistung eine lebenslange Rente von 6000 Franc, der Erbe von Nièpce, Isidor Nièpce eine solche von 4000 Franc. Die französische Akademie der Wissenschaften verkündete, dass es Niepce und Daguerre gelungen sei, lasting images with the Camera Obscura record. Daguerre is celebrated as the inventor of photography (daguerreotype). In the post-revolutionary France, the leftist has set an unprecedented act: technical progress became a public matter, a concern of all humanity - and not make individual profit maximization.

The French physicist, mathematician, astronomer and politician Dominique François Jean Arago was a passionate scientist and political thinker of his time. His research on the phenomenon of light wave propagation in the area have laid the groundwork for today's modern communications. His discoveries: 1811 discovery of the chromatic Polarization of mica flakes, 1820 discovery of the magnetization of iron by a current-carrying conductor, 1822 Measuring the speed of sound in air and 1824 discovery of the rotating magnetism.

Arago was born on Feb 26, 1786 in Estagel at Perpignan. After training at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, he was secretary of the Bureau des Longitudes in 1805 and traveled on his behalf 1807/08 to Spain, with Jean Baptiste Biot continue the survey of the meridian arc. Because of a possible exact measurement of the meridian passing through Paris should the ten millionth part of Erdquadranten be determined. Arago and Biot in 1806 Napoleon sent to Spain to the measurement of the meridian Pyrenees also add up to the Balearic Islands. Since war broke out between France and Spain, and Aragon, was suspected of espionage, detained. A three-year odyssey in piracy, storm and shipwreck starred forced him to Spain, Sardinia, and twice to Algeria. On his return, Napoleon made the 23-year-old professor at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, where he had finished his studies in 1805 itself. And the Academy took it, despite all the regulations, as a member on.

Here he discovered in the years 1811 and 1812, the rotation of the polarization plane of light through rock crystal plates and the chromatic polarization. strengthened cooperation with Augustín Fresnel he 1816-1818 by interference tests of the opinion that light consists of transverse waves. In 1820 he lived at the meeting in Geneva naturalist demonstrations Rives de la Oersteds over the discoveries. In the same year he noticed the magnetization of iron by current-carrying conductor. In 1824 he led the Michael Faraday (also called Arago experiment) later than induction effect detected by rotational testing. In this experiment, a suspended magnetic needle is rotated by a rotating copper disk below it in motion. From 1830 he was Director of the Observatory in Paris and permanent secretary of the Academie des Sciences. He was the first of the scintillation of stars on interference as a result of air turbulence back into the atmosphere. According to him, the area on the day sky, in which the sky light polarization has a minimum point called Arago. From 1830 he worked intensively with politics. He was a sharp left and during the revolution in the storming of the barricades in front. In Parliament he was but as a moderate Republican. He was one of the provisional government of 1848 as War and Navy Minister. By popular science lectures, which were however not published until after his death from 1854 to 1857 he was responsible for the dissemination of astronomical knowledge. Dominique Arago died on 2 October 1853 in Paris.

This day was exciting. Not only in France. From there we reported a document of the 1848 revolutionary Ludwig Pfau, we have because of his Baden lullaby in memory. He was - a few days before his eighteenth birthday, an eyewitness of the public act of the French Academy: "... The public meeting was something I understood too literally, because even though the ceremony should begin in two hours, were not only all places of long ago beneficiaries occupied, even neighborhood, courtyard and forecourt of the Institute were covered with a dense crowd an excitement prevailed as if it was at least a battle won a victory -.. a more bloody than that - was, however, been won, a victory of the knowing Spirit. And now this general celebration of such a conquest was something intoxicating. The crowd was like an electric battery to power a radio transmits. Everyone had a delight in the joy of others. In the realm of the infinite progress, another border had fallen, and felt the humanity in their home country. . ... "

Baron Andreas von Ettingshausen Austria, too, had sent to the Academy event a delegate to Paris. Baron Andreas von Ettingshausen From Ettingshausen was with this official launch of the invention present at the expense of the Austrian government and had at Daguerre even the first photographic tests made. Coblenzer The Gazette reported it and the anxiety of the painter ahead of the competition by this technological innovation on 13 September, "Message from Vienna from 31 August 1839 Daguerre's invention", "Our world-famous physicist of the learned Professor von Ettingshausen writes to his friends here ... with excitement about the discovery of Daguerre's, with whom he came into close contact. .. He seems often to divide opinion expressed that this discovery of science, and especially the optics, more than the art will benefit everybody. Our landscape painter, that we here (Vienna) have a large number of breathing, again, known since the revelations Arago's become clear that the process to gain a clear light painting Do not be so simple and easy Sey than we had imagined ...".

Metternich. At Prince and Chancellor Metternich, he wrote on 16 September 1839 "in a unique loyalty," that he saw the first images Daguerre " and soon after August 19 he made "on advice of Daguerre's on the line and made by Daguerre's personal guidance so that the first attempts, took a view of the Louvre, and sent the apparatus to Vienna, the lens, however, he kept to himself. He went to the Johannisberg where he made a second recording, the images made at that time a great sensation in Vienna. Later he took on several architectural items. ... "On October 2, 1839, he was under the eyes of Prince further experiments, the newspapers reported: "One in the eyes of the prince himself by the artist (sic) received in view of the inner courtyard fell beyond all expectation, the effect of this picture was highly deceptive, and the drawing surprisingly faithful to the smallest detail. . On the small plate in the size of an ordinary octave-blade saw even the traces of the wheels on the gravel, and the hooves of the horses .... ";" the views of the castle Johannisberg were on Metternich's behest on November 22, 1839 Vienna in the physics lecture hall of the Imperial University issued.

Arago in Meyers Conversation Lexicon 1885-1892 - Very informative!

Ludwig Pfau: achievements and progress of the Daguerreotyps
seven-mile steps of a new technology: Andreas von Ettingshausen
Daguerreotype Gallery

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sore Gums Following Extraction

Photo national championship Friends of Nature Vorarlberg 2008

2008 took place on 3rd times the national championship picture of the nature lovers Vorarlberg.
In a very highly by setting the price-distribution under the sponsorship of the People's Bank, on 25 November in Hohenems. Our special thanks go to Mr. Wolfgang Friedl, Leader of the People's Bank in Hohenems.
Below are the 6 best photographers in the individual events listed.
good light
William Kircher
photo adviser to the Friends of Nature Vorarlberg

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What Kind Of Drug Is Menstrogen

hiking and photographing

Sunday 20 September 2009: Hiking and photography. Tuff circular walk in Lingenau.

Meeting: 13:00 clock Kennelbach post office, car-pooling.

Information / Registration:
Friends of Nature group photo Kennelbach William Kircher Tel 05574/46121 or Reinold Böhler, 05574/71902.

Have you heard: tuff?
tufa, or Süßwasserkalk or Quellkalk is a porous, still a young 'secondary' sediment. Come in Europe in some of the karst areas in front of the humid, temperate warm climate zone, provided a number of causal factors are present regionally. Particularly well known and investigated are occurrences of the Swabian Alb, the Frankish Alb and the Alpine borders. ... ( Wikipedia )