Thursday, June 12, 2008

Spanish Wedding Invitation Wording Sample

saver with strong calves

Das beindruckende Werk von Patricia und Maria Jesus nebst Infotafel von Burkhart

Peter Schwanewilms radelt von Valencia nach Ottensen, um ein Zeichen zu setzen.
Wochenblatt Altona, 11. Juni 2008
(Ein Klick auf den Artikel - und man kann es lesen.)

Un salvador de gemelos fuertes

"Primero, bike away; sight and carry it for me at my house, I want to go with it or a meter, these were the first words of Peter Schwanewilms to get the bike from the Cabanyal, a neighborhood in the city of Valencia, to Ottensen after driving 2500 km in two months. "With the sporting side had no problems, but psychologically if it was hard from time to time" could report. Peter began his tour on April 5 without training before. between the goal and starting place was Spain, the Pyrenees, France, lots of sun, half day of rain, occasional pain and the day on which the cicilista turned 59 years. In his luggage Peter had a red rope JOINTLY of 5 meters, which connect the neighborhood The Cabanyal of Valencia and its "twin german" Ottensen in Hamburg. Because like the picturesque district of Valencia, Ottensen was threatened by the construction of the "City West" for 30 años.Ottensen now became one of the most attractive places in Hamburg. Peter snapped pictures from many places in stages throughout his journey and so connect the two neighborhoods with red string. This can be seen and read his blog www.cabanyal-ottensen.blogspot . Com .

The Cabanyal also plays in the artistic Altonale an important role, a festival held every anyo in Ottensen. Because two artsitas of Valencia, Patricia Gomez and Maria Jesus Gonzalez presented some prints on canvas of the houses threatened Cabanyal alli.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

What Shoes Can I Wear With Grey Tights

Buxtehude - Hamburg, 25 km, total 2503 km

Arrived! have a short drive through the Old Country ferried by boat in the best weather to Altona, the Elbhang am (pushed) high and have achieved in Ottensen the tense of the Friends' goal line "from" Save Cabanyal "T-shirts. The "red tape" across Europe is now firmly linked in Ottensen and will make in the future for a direct link of solidarity.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Will Woman Seman Show Up Under Black Light

Buxtehude, 0km

hare and the tortoise in Buxtehude

Ick bün all doa! Fast zumindest und ohne "Double". Und gestern noch das Glück, den "Tornado" und den anschließenden Regen in Hamburg in Stade überleben zu können, ohne nass zu werden.

Die sachliche Bilanz : keinen Tag Regen, keine Reifenpanne, keinen Unfall, nichts Wichtiges verloren oder gestohlen, ... .
Und Eindrücke, und Einsichten, und Glückmomente, und gelegentliche Verzweiflungen, und.... .

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tiffany Granath Commander Husband

Zeven - Buxtehude, 36km, total 2478km

Das Wetter, obwohl es rundherum donnerte and growled, it said graciously with me, so I have come up dry Buxtehude and has even served time for a (train) trip to Bernard's brother and family in Stade. Northern Germany is indeed family. The family barbecue will be held in the hall but probably because I was then but after 8 weeks across Europe hit by the storm-rain. Let's see how it looks tomorrow afternoon at about the same jump from Buxtehude to Ottensen.

Bleach Birthday Party

Bremen - Zeven, 48km, total 2442 km

Rome, Kiev, ... all, given the recent 2442 km, so not far. I'm still me erstmal für Zeven entschieden.

Der Radweg Bremen-Hamburg ist runderneuert und führt anfangs entlang der "Wümme" (so heißt das Flüßchen eben) über das idyllische Fischerhude . Berühmt gemacht hat dieses Dorf Otto Modersohn. Mittlerweile ist er ja " der Mann von ihr" (Paula) und nicht mehr umgekehrt wie zu Lebzeiten.
Ottensen ist nah: In Zeven habe ich Brigitte Abramowski und Michael Sandmann vom Stadtteilarchiv Ottensen getroffen. Einfach so und zufällig. Welche Freude, welche Freude...!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Homemade Teasing Comb

Nienburg - Bremen, 68 km, total 2394 km

From Pied Piper to the Bremen Town Musicians: Fairytale Land. Now it is really homely. I could have a short turn to Emsland - and Hamburg is getting closer. Only three short day trips to Wednesday, then the new and the old home with the red ribbon.