Friday, May 30, 2008

Expired Chicken Broth Never Opened

Hameln - Minden, 42 km, total 2326 km

art on the western shore

The most important building in Rinteln (Or, Michael?)


The crossing is to Heimatour: I am born in Hameln, since I was young days gone, the memory is weak. Where was the allotment of the uncle and aunt? But all the towns that I have touched upon today, I know of the local signs of the many trips from the Emsland to Hamelin to Uncle Walter and Aunt Gitti (the one with the cake!). And from the Porta Westfalica suddenly transformed the landscape. The view is in the native North German Plain (now really no increases at all, or even more mountains!) And almost Hamburg comes into view.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

What Size Dirt Bike Should I Be On?

Höxter-Corvey, 3 km, total 2284 km

Do I have already written to accompany me great all the way from Spain through France to the Weser cathedrals and venerable monasteries, Pope palaces, hidden churches and village church towers, all of which similar language to speak. So now "Corvey.
Somehow the part of European identity. Of course, not alone. There are a further including the Romans (who were also always present on the tour), the Enlightenment, the international labor movement, € - (where there are then the Turks) and the Champions League.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dyslexia And Taks. Test For Lea

Hannoversch Münden - Höxter, 57km, total 2281km

What experience probably 100 thousand in the summer (and hundreds have now), I know now: the Weser cycle track is quite large class: accompanied by beautiful hills signposted, well fine villages and (framework) town. Always in the valley and less stressful. Today I met a 82 year old, who was en route from Hamburg to Kassel. The fact that he (almost) travels as much miles a day as me, but a little disappointing. But if I think by up to 82 or may even increase .... .

Es sind auffällig viele Männergruppen unterwegs. Muss irgendwas für sich haben!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Question Créatine Gluconate?

Kassel - Hannoversch Münden, 42 km, total 2224 km

Beinahe hätte mich der Sekundenschlaf vom Fahrrad geholt. Ich bin ja heute schon um 4.00h aufgestanden, um wieder zu meinem Fahrrad zu kommen. Aber selbst die stärkste Müdigkeit konnte mich nicht zwingen in Kassel zu bleiben. Dann schon lieber "schlappe" 42 km entlang des immer schöner werdenden Fuldaweges nach Hannoversch Münden: Fachwerkhäuser (die mich von jetzt an begleiten werden) ohne Ende and even with Weser-Renaissance Town Hall and Main Building of the castle. And of course: Where the Werra and Fulda kiss ..... . Since I already like it better another quote that I am in town read: an early criticism of populist promises of salvation: Can
"I'm the Doctor Eisenbarth ,
Kurir the people in my own way,
make that the blind , go
And that lame man see again.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Gold Bars In Fish Tank

Valencia, 0 km, total 2182km

Just a little funny that I did at times in between in Valencia, appearing before the "red tape" is definitely linked with Hamburg / Ottensen. But should
I miss me the sight of our daughter happy with the high school diploma in hand?
Tuesday they will continue along the Weser and I plan on Wednesday, 4.6., About 17h in Ottensen ("Bey's") to be.